STAXI: World’s Leading Nestable Transport Chair

Looking for a nestable transport chair?  STAXI is now “established globally as the leading wheelchair alternative and is the best selling nestable transport chair worldwide.”  The STAXI chairs are developed specifically for busy facilities (e.g. hospitals, airports, amusement parks, etc.) to provide temporary transportation for individuals who cannot walk long distances.


Andy Hart founded the STAXI Corporation Limited after his son, Julian, became disabled after an auto accident.  Hart soon discovered the shortcomings of the conventional wheelchair.  “I couldn’t help but ask: Why do I have to hunch over to push a wheelchair?  Why is a wheelchair’s seat so low?  Why can’t I slide  Julian from his wheelchair to another chair without lifting him up?  Why do I have to remember to apply the brake – isn’t safety a priority?  Why is it so hard to push?”

Hart is a qualified engineer and was determined to develop a product that is functional for the optimum quality of life.  “In 1985, in conjunction with the Centre for Studies in Aging, Sunnybrook & Women’s College Health Sciences, we developed and patented a revolutionary, clinically developed, transport chair design.”

The final product is the STAXI chair, featuring ergonomic designs such as:

  • No-lift side patient transfer
  • Single handlebar for proper posture
  • One-hand operation
  • Automatic brake on the handlebar

Features and Benefits of STAXI:

  • Innovative: designed for safe transportation of the distance-challenged
  • Unique: the only fully-integrated, patented nestable transportation system in the world
  • Cost effective
  • Fail safe braking system
  • 500 lb weight capacity
  • Non-folding frame: strong, durable, safe
  • Large luggage/storage area
  • Antimicrobial cushion for optimum hygiene and ease of maintenance
  • Liftable armrest provides easy and safe side entry and exit of occupants

To learn more about the STAXI chair, download the PDF Data Sheet or visit the STAXI website.


  1. transport wheelchair
    Hi I’m interesting in obtain 6 of this kind of chair, can you please let me know the cost of each and more details?


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