AM379 – U-Lace No-Tie Laces


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Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology–those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs.

Many individuals with disabilities have a difficult time tying their shoes.  This is also true for many kiddos!  If you’re looking for a way to never have to tie your ordinary sneakers again, check out U-Lace No-Tie Laces.

U-Lace No-Tie Laces were originally designed a decade ago “to make lacing sneakers in multiple colors and patterns a quick and easy process.”  Additionally, they’re ideal for individuals of all abilities as they instantly become easy-on/easy-off slip-on shoes.

Features of the laces include:

  • They let you update your current sneakers with a no-tie solution “that’s still clean and modern without undermining the classic look and feel of your sneakers”
  • They let you be unique by choosing a color and design that’s right for you.
  • Easy to install: simply push the lace through the eyelet and pull to lock in place!
  • You’ll also find laces for kiddos, adolescents, as well as adults

Check out to learn more!

For more information, to read our blog or to drop us a line, visit  That was your accessibility minute for this week. I¹m Laura Medcalf with the INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads, in Indiana.

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