The Lotus Ring

Wrap the World Around Your Finger with the Lotus Ring

The Lotus Ring

Like most assistive technology devices, the Lotus Ring was born out of a simple problem. Born with twisted knees, Apple engineer Dhaval Patel established a routine of flipping off the wall switch for his lights before going to bed. But he forgot one night, and because he was too physically tired to get back up and climb onto his crutches, he slept — poorly — with the lights on.

With the Lotus Ring he invented, Patel can simply point toward the lights and click them off. No need for apps, rewiring or an internet connection. This is similar to a smart home solution … but it’s one you can take with you anywhere.

Using magnetic covers that snap onto any existing wall switch, the Lotus Ring kit makes any space accessible within seconds by connecting to the switch via infrared — the same way a remote connects to a TV.

Lotus Ring instructions

The Lotus Ring controls anything a wall switch controls — lights, fans, TVs, a garbage disposal, etc. This product helps a wide variety of people — from wheelchair users to parents busy chasing kids around the house.

The Lotus Ring kit, which is now available from our Lending Library, comes with a size-12 ring, three switch covers, a power cord with a box and a charging platform. To learn more about the Lotus Ring kit or to borrow it from us, please visit this page.

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